Why do some "depths" in the 3D-SiteMap show up as negative?

Use and application of eValid's site analysis (site scanning) features.

Why do some "depths" in the 3D-SiteMap show up as negative?

Postby Fabiana » Fri Mar 29, 2013 2:22 pm

Why do some "depths" in the 3D-SiteMap show up as negative?
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Re: Why do some "depths" in the 3D-SiteMap show up as negati

Postby eValid » Mon Apr 08, 2013 4:30 pm

Indeed this can be confusing.

In the 3D-SiteMap the depth is always measured as the number of steps DOWN from the current root. So the children of the root are at level 1, and the children of the children (the grandchildren) of the root, are at level 2. And so forth.

On the other hand, a page that references the root is a parent of the root, and it is indicated as depth -1. A page that references a page that references the root is a grandparent of the root, so its depth is -2.

But this stuctural model can be even MORE confusing. A parent can be it's own child (if it references itself. And the reference links can go in a circle: A can link to B and B can link to A so you have the notion of parents and children and grandparents...well, all kind of mushed together.

What keeps EVERYTHING straight in an eValid website scan is this simple rule: Every page is put in the hierarchical tree below the root at the LOWEST position, that is, with the highest number, and all links go only downward.

This makes the positioning of nodes in the hierarchy 100% unambiguous. From the root in the picture if you see something above the root it is a parent, with a negative depth index.

We worked this out after a long series of experimental sessions, and it truly is the best (and only unambiguous) way to show the tree for what it is.

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