Can you guys monitor that my web app behaves correctly?

Applying eValid to Rich Internet Application (RIA) Performance Monitoring.

Can you guys monitor that my web app behaves correctly?

Postby GriffinR » Tue Jun 11, 2013 3:43 pm

Can you guys monitor that my web app behaves correctly when seen by different mobile devices? I mean, 173 different devices in my list?
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Re: Can you guys monitor that my web app behaves correctly?

Postby eValid » Mon Jun 17, 2013 10:08 pm

There are two parts to this: the monitoring part and the mobile devices part.

The monitoring part is pretty easy...that's what eValid is all about...running a functional test and seeing if something important -- what you want to "behave correctly" -- works as you intend.

eValid can do that by stimulating responses from your server and producing a PASS/FAIL decision for you. That decision can feed into any number of different monitoring reporting solutions (Groundwork, among them, but including SPLUNK and a range of others).

The mobile devices part is also pretty easy, because eValid "dress up" as if it were some device other than a desktop PC...tablet, smartphone, etc. In monitoring mode there is even a batch switch that sets the user agent to be something other than the default (the actual machine you're running from). Here is some output from our Mobile Agent Demonstration Experimentthat shows screenshots from 20 different device types. Doing the 173 you need is just a simple extension of what is shown in the example.

The bottom line: Monitor any function pretending to be any device and get performance and content validation immediately. No problem

eValid Support Team
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