Can eValid do anything with a page that chages all the time?

Applying eValid to Rich Internet Application (RIA) Performance Monitoring.

Can eValid do anything with a page that chages all the time?

Postby Landona » Mon Jul 29, 2013 11:51 am

Can eValid do anything with a page that chages all the time other than just to navigate to it to make sure it's there?
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Re: Can eValid do anything with a page that chages all the t

Postby eValid » Mon Aug 05, 2013 12:36 pm

This is a tough question.

If your page "changes all the time" as you say, and you realize that eValid is a regression testing (change detecting) product, then you also realize that the key to answering you question is to determine whether is will be sufficient to your needs to verify parts of the page that DON'T change -- or parts that when they DO change you want to advised of it.

So, what you can do is (a) decide on your page which features or attributes that are "constant" and about which you want notification of changes and then, (b) set up your test to include a series of validation tests that focus on just those specific parts of the page. This way, the page can change all it wants, but your test is only going to be sensitive to those parts of the page for which you want a change to be identified. In other words, you program the test to disregard all of the things that "...change all the time..." and focus on what DOESN'T change.

Here is the Validation Modes Summary for the entire eValid product. Most users find more than enough variety and strength in these modes to meet the needs even with pages that change all the time

--eValid Support Team
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