How to I assure that my tests are reliable?

Applying eValid to Rich Internet Application (RIA) Performance Monitoring.

How to I assure that my tests are reliable?

Postby DanielL » Thu Dec 05, 2013 4:31 pm

Hey guys, we sure like your monitoring solution, but how to I assure that my tests are reliable when the web pages I'm monitoring change all the time?
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Re: How to I assure that my tests are reliable?

Postby eValid » Fri Dec 06, 2013 3:31 pm

If the page is changing so much that NOTHING is constant, well, then you may be out of luck. Pretty much all you can confirm is that the page is actually there, that is, the server isn't throwing a "did not find" type error.

If the page changes in terms of content, but what you want to verify is that the structure of the page is still OK, that is a bit easier.

The key is to find something fixed on the page...some element, some table, some image...something that does NOT change. Also, this should be something on the page for which if it DOES change, you really want to know about it. Kind of like the "canary in the mine."

Once you're found it then the easiest thing to do is verify some property of that particular element. The command sequence looks like this:

IndexSet 0
IndexFindElement ...what you want to be looking for...
SyncOnSelectedObjProperty ...the value you want to confirm...

Note that we used a "SyncOn..." command to make sure that the required value is actually present. It may not be if you are running AJAX and the arrival of the value is asynchronous.

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