Load Testing ... how does eValid do it???

Use and application of the eValid server loading (LoadTest) capability. And in the cloud computing context for monitoring and loading.

Load Testing ... how does eValid do it???

Postby SamuelW » Thu Aug 14, 2014 9:54 am

Hey first time poster.

Man, this load testing stuff can be messy. I've been looking at Selenium and Watir and WebDriver but they all seem to epically-fail when you try to run more than 5-6 copies at one time.

But you guys can run 100+... how can you DO that!?

Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Aug 14, 2014 9:49 am

Re: Load Testing ... how does eValid do it???

Postby eValid » Fri Aug 15, 2014 9:44 am

SamuelW wrote:Hey first time poster.

Man, this load testing stuff can be messy. I've been looking at Selenium and Watir and WebDriver but they all seem to epically-fail when you try to run more than 5-6 copies at one time.

But you guys can run 100+... how can you DO that!?


Thanks for asking and welcome SamuelW.

How we get 100+ eValid instances is a combination of things.

(1) We use the THIN version of eValid, specially built to minimize the runtime footprint.


http://www.e-valid.com/Products/Documen ... kthin.html

(2) There are some special machine adjustments that permit Windowes to run many browser copies.

Here are the instructions on this:

http://www.e-Valid.com/Products/Documen ... chine.html

(3) To get to 1,000 Browser Users (BUs) on one machine requires using multiple accounts and a VERY beefy machine. Each user account on Amazon's biggest offering -- what is often called their "quadruple extra large" machine -- accounts for 100 BUs, and 10 user accounts give us 1,000 BUs.

Notable, when all 1,000 eValid's are driving a web application we usually see CPU utilizations in the 10-20% range. So this hardly loads the machine.

-- eValid Support
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