Can eValid recover from tests that fail?

How to use eValid to support regression testing.

Can eValid recover from tests that fail?

Postby ReedRob » Thu Jun 04, 2015 8:58 am


Does eValid have a way to recover from tests that fail?

How does it work?

Thanks in advance.
Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Jun 04, 2015 8:54 am

Re: Can eValid recover from tests that fail?

Postby eValid » Fri Jun 05, 2015 4:00 pm

ReedRob wrote:Morning.

Does eValid have a way to recover from tests that fail?

How does it work?

Thanks in advance.

Afternoon ReedRob.

Recovery from dynamic tests is always important, and eValid provides a very simple way to deal with recovery.

The idea we use is to set a "flag" that intercepts the normal script playback flow in case of an error.

The flag can be set based on an error, a message or other event.

The eValid commands involved are:


Once these commands are executed ANY Error/Timeout/Warning even in the script playback will cause the test to executed the named script.

The recovery script can do the needed recovery steps, including doing a command line call to a batch script or a "PSKill" operation.

In addition to this capability, there is a built-in provision to send an alarm message, as documented here: ... alarm.html

Hope helps you get past your difficulties.

-- eValid Support
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