More insight on strings

General discussion about eValid, its characteristis and applications.

More insight on strings

Postby LHartley » Fri May 19, 2017 12:38 pm


how does eValid compare strings?

What is the mechanism for that?

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Joined: Fri May 19, 2017 12:33 pm

Re: More insight on strings

Postby eValid » Mon May 22, 2017 6:40 am

LHartley wrote:Hi.

how does eValid compare strings?

What is the mechanism for that?


Thank for asking about it LHartley.

Here is where the architecture of eValid as a Windows application can help.

There is an explicit interface between eValid and the Operating System in the eValid commands:

SystemCall "string" and SystemCallWait "string"

In both cases eValid will run the command in "string" into the command processor on your computer.

The difference is that the first command issues the instruction and then playback continues, whereas in the second version, eValid waits for a completion code (of any kind, OK, or error, or whatever) before continuing playback.

So, if you need to compare strings, or do ANY other operation that is not provided for in the eValid command language and structure, you have the entire set of resources available in the OS to help, and eValid gives you an interface from which to exploit those resources!

-- eValid Support
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