What is the most eValid browsers I can run on a PC

Use and application of the eValid server loading (LoadTest) capability. And in the cloud computing context for monitoring and loading.

What is the most eValid browsers I can run on a PC

Postby JasonEv » Thu Jul 27, 2017 11:58 am


I have a general load testing questions:

How many eValid's browsers can I run in parallel on a typical PC?

Selenium claims they can do up to 36 at once.

Can eValid do more than Selenium?

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Joined: Thu Jul 27, 2017 11:54 am

Re: What is the most eValid browsers I can run on a PC

Postby eValid » Fri Jul 28, 2017 11:09 am

JasonEv wrote:Hello.

I have a general load testing questions:

How many eValid's browsers can I run in parallel on a typical PC?

Selenium claims they can do up to 36 at once.

Can eValid do more than Selenium?


Good question JasonEv.

It depends on your PC.

Our benchmarks for eValid playbacks that meet the "load test safe" criteria so that they can run without reference to the Windows desktop show that you can do up to 100 copies of eValid.

This assumes you are running eVlite:

http://www.e-valid.com/Products/Documen ... vlite.html

or have chosen the Thin Browser version:

http://www.e-valid.com/Products/Documen ... kthin.html

and that you are not asking each of your 100 eValid instances to write a great deal of data.

After that, the situation is a classic trade-off between CPU time, I/O channel utilization, and local disk traffic.

Hint: Having a LOT of RAM for best effect.

-- eValid Support
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