Can eValid read an input field while letters are typed

Discussion of the technology underlying the eValid solution.

Can eValid read an input field while letters are typed

Postby ARawling » Tue May 01, 2018 11:16 am


Can eValid read the entries made in an input field as they are typed, one letter by letter?

Please explain me what's going on.

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Joined: Tue May 01, 2018 11:12 am

Re: Can eValid read an input field while letters are typed

Postby eValid » Wed May 02, 2018 11:56 am

ARawling wrote:Hello.

Can eValid read the entries made in an input field as they are typed, one letter by letter?

Please explain me what's going on.


Thanks for posting ARawling.

If the input field you are testing is serviced by a JavaScript passage that interacts with a server, the you can, in concept, interrupt the process each time a letter is typed to permit eValid to record the contents of that DOM object's text area.

The other approach is to make the recording using single keystrokes with a short delay.

If you look at the DOM contents dynamically you can see if each separate keystroke fills in one by one.

Also, take a look at the Form Test Wizard, described here: ... izard.html

This will automatically scan the current page for instances of the FORM-type of HTML input and give you the contents of each part of the form.

These entries are single-strings and cannot be broken up into individual character events.

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