What makes eValid so useful to a user

Discussion of the technology underlying the eValid solution.

What makes eValid so useful to a user

Postby FrankG » Mon May 06, 2019 9:40 am


In your opinion, other than the routine aspects of writing and editing a script and playing it back …

What are the critical elements in eValid that make it powerful?

Posts: 1
Joined: Mon May 06, 2019 9:34 am

Re: What makes eValid so useful to a user

Postby eValid » Tue May 07, 2019 9:59 am

FrankG wrote:Hello.

In your opinion, other than the routine aspects of writing and editing a script and playing it back …

What are the critical elements in eValid that make it powerful?


Thanks for asking FrankG.

Please don't minimize the difficulty of getting a script running reliably.

eValid is not a simple product internally by any means.

But the most powerful aspects?

Probably the ability to interact with a web page's DOM representation is the key aspect here.

In this area, the most important areas are:

* Ability to search the DOM for an element, done with the "IndexFindElement/IndexFindElementEX" command.

* The ability to synchronize playback using a loop-test on a DOM element property value, for example, the "SyncOnSelectedObjProperty" command.

* The ability to trigger events in the browser, using the "IndexElementEvent" command.

* The ability to read/write the current contents of the DOM using the "ValueGetElement/ValuePutElement" pair.

Thanks for asking!

-- eValid Support
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