General questions about the eValid PageMap feature

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General questions about the eValid PageMap feature

Postby RobBrown » Mon Jan 25, 2021 8:50 am

Good morning.

I didn't see a forum subject with PageMap featured so I decided to put my question here regarding the eValid PageMap feature ..

What is it good for?

Why do you have it?

Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Jan 25, 2021 8:46 am

Re: General questions about the eValid PageMap feature

Postby eValid » Tue Jan 26, 2021 11:15 am

RobBrown wrote:Good morning.

I didn't see a forum subject with PageMap featured so I decided to put my question here regarding the eValid PageMap feature ..

What is it good for?

Why do you have it?


Thanks for asking about the PageMap feature RobBrown.

That PageMap generates a display that connects you directly into the DOM of the page that is in the browser.

Here is the manual page for it: ... usage.html

You use the PageMap to find the names (and possibly the current values) of properties in each DOM index within the DOM tree of the page you are on.

It goes two ways when you have the interactive switched "ON".

When you click on an element in the page the PageMap navigates to that element, and vice versa, when you click on a element that DOM element "blinks" on the page.

This will have enormous value to you when you are setting up a DOM-based synchronization step, for example.

-- eValid Support
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