Help with clicking on a button that sometimes works

Applying eValid to AJAX applications that require advanced DOM-based methods.

Help with clicking on a button that sometimes works

Postby NFoster » Thu Mar 11, 2021 8:24 am

Good morning.

My eValid script works fine but, sometimes it is unable to click on a button that I can see is visible on page?

Can you give me some ideas to overcome this issue?

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Joined: Thu Mar 11, 2021 8:16 am

Re: Help with clicking on a button that sometimes works

Postby eValid » Fri Mar 12, 2021 9:06 am

NFoster wrote:Good morning.

My eValid script works fine but, sometimes it is unable to click on a button that I can see is visible on page?

Can you give me some ideas to overcome this issue?


Thank you for posting NFoster.

The answer depends on the page in question and on how you are identifying where to send the click event to the browser...namely through which page element index.

The usual cause for this kind of thing is that the page has changed before delivery to your browser and some of the locations of elements have changed.

It is always best to choose the element by searching for something unique in it.

Take a look at this example: ... ple12.html

So, you see, you just have to have a unique tag Name to use.

Fair warning, in some development environments that tag Name is assigned automatically and it will vary over time.

If that's the case you have to insert (or identify) something you know will be unique.

-- eValid Support
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