Dealing with websites the have form elements in the website

How to apply eValid to functional testing of web applications.

Dealing with websites the have form elements in the website

Postby LLucero » Thu Nov 25, 2021 11:13 am


Can you tell me if eValid can test websites that have Form elements within them?

Please include with your reply what is involved to overcome this problem.

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Joined: Thu Nov 25, 2021 11:09 am

Re: Dealing with websites the have form elements in the webs

Postby eValid » Fri Nov 26, 2021 1:21 pm

LLucero wrote:Hello.

Can you tell me if eValid can test websites that have Form elements within them?

Please include with your reply what is involved to overcome this problem.


Thanks for posting LLucero.

When recording a script for a website that involves forms, we often end up with a very lengthy script especially when there are quite a number of fields in a form.

Recording ALL the fields in a form also has its advantages because the user does not have to re-record a new script.

Should the user want a different result, it's just a matter of changing the values in the script that affect the outcome during playback.

To include ALL the Form Elements in a page during recording, follow these simple steps:

(1) Access the eValid Preferences by clicking "eValid > Settings > Record / Play Preferences" or by pressing "Ctrl + F2".

(2) Select the option "Include Default Form Elements" from the eValid Preferences.

(3) Click "Ok & Save" to save the changes.

(4) Navigate to the website containing the form and start recording.

Depending on the option selected, eValid will either record only the fields that have been selected it the "Include Default Form Elements" option is not checked and vice versa.

-- eValid Support
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