Automatically Snap A Screenshot

How to use eValid to support regression testing.

Automatically Snap A Screenshot

Postby vcnn » Fri Jul 16, 2010 3:57 pm

DO you have a way to automatically snap a screenshot when a test FAILs?
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Joined: Tue Mar 16, 2010 4:28 pm

Re: Automatically Snap A Screenshot

Postby eValid » Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:11 am

vcnn wrote:DO you have a way to automatically snap a screenshot when a test FAILs?

Thanks for asking and yes eValid can do that.

The first part of the solution is to note that eValid has a build in command to SaveWindow or SaveWindowFace, which will write out the current whole window or just what is inside the browser face to your local working area as a *bmp type file.

The second part is to remember that eValid has a family of commands like OnErrorGoScript, which, like the name implies, sets a condition such then whenever an error is detected in the playback, control then picks up with the named error recovery script.

Now, put the two together and have your named error recovery script include a simple SaveWindow or SaveWindowFace command.

Given that the error recorvery script is invoked, meaning that your playback has FAILed, you probably want to also add an ExitNow command to that script so that you end the playback imediately.

The eValid Team
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