Can I scan a website that requires a login?

Use and application of eValid's site analysis (site scanning) features.

Can I scan a website that requires a login?

Postby raining » Thu May 12, 2011 3:41 pm

Can I scan a website that requires a login? What are the constraints?
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Joined: Thu May 12, 2011 3:10 pm

Re: Can I scan a website that requires a login?

Postby eValid » Fri May 13, 2011 6:54 am

raining wrote:Can I scan a website that requires a login? What are the constraints?

Yes, no problem.

First, you use the record/play capabilty if eValid to record the login process, and they you add the &SiteAnalysis command to your script. That command will also require that you specify the Profile to be used in the scan and the starting URL for the scan. The Profile will contain all of the scan parameters.

Now, when you play back eValid will navigate into the website, and switch into SiteAnalysis mode...and away you go.

The only constraint is that you probably want to add any page that would log you out to the "don't visit this page" list (the Blocked URLs file). Otherwise the spider will surely visit that page and when it does you're logged out and that would ruin you result.

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