What are the typical data rates into a mobile device?

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What are the typical data rates into a mobile device?

Postby Mosese » Fri Nov 11, 2011 3:44 pm

What are the typical data rates into a mobile device? I hear about 5-12 Mbps, is that about right?
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Joined: Thu Nov 10, 2011 4:37 pm

Re: What are the typical data rates into a mobile device?

Postby eValid » Sun Nov 13, 2011 5:04 pm

Mosese wrote:What are the typical data rates into a mobile device? I hear about 5-12 Mbps, is that about right?
We checked on this and that is about the right range.

Some are slower, of course, but for a typical handheld runing "4G" [for which the specific definitions are somewhat vague] 3-6 Mbps seems to be about right. And for a lot of $$ some are much faster.

It turns out that this speed range is about what you get at the lowest level of DSL service, that is, the most common kind of DSL that you can obtain.

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